
3. Oktober 2023 KuM Comments Off

08. – 14.10.2023: The international exchange and exhibition project [COMMON GROUND] is hosted by Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences and the U!REKA Lab: Co-Creativity in Social Arts of the U!REKA European University Network. The event brings together international and interdisciplinary students, teachers and practitioners from the participating universities and beyond for an intensive exchange on common perspectives, practices and working realities at the nexus of arts and the social. Ideas and practices are shared in lectures, workshops, presentations, performances, and exhibitions to compare and explore common grounds and the potential of artistic and social work in urban contexts.

EVENTS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (free entrance):

11.10.23 19.00 Filmscreening: Gallus Zentrum
Kriftelerstr. 55

12.10.23 19.00 JURIDICUM Expo: OHa!: Offenes Haus der Kulturen
Studierendenhaus Campus Bockenheim, K4, Mertonstr. 26-28

13.10.2023 18.00 Exhibition Opening: ATELIERFRANKFURT
Schwedler Str. 1-5, Frankfurt UAS Gallery

Share experiences in exchange with international students
Experience artistic practices in social spaces in excursions
Get to know socio-artistic positions in lectures & presentations
Share creative projects: performances, screenings & exhibitions
Explore possibilities of social arts in co-creative workshops

[COMMON GROUND] will focus on co-creativity in social arts and its potential in the exploration, transformation and (co-)creation of urban spaces. The quest for a common ground is more than the exchange of opinions. It can focus on its physical dimension and address the problems of (urban) spaces as often exclusive and privatized, forming the backdrop for social spaces in which individuals navigate and society can evolve. From an individual perspective the quest for a common ground entails a personal positioning and a critical engagement with others to co-create and build a community, a common. Do we share a common ground, in a physical and metaphorical sense? And how can we take part in transforming and revolutionizing social structures towards more livable urban spaces? These and other questions will be explored together with students and experts in international Co-Creative Groups during the intensive week and results will be presented in a final presentation.

OHa: Offenes Haus der Kulturen, Mertonstr. 26-28
AtelierFrankfurt, Schwedlerstraße 1-5
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Nibelungenplatz 1, Building 2

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